Nigerian player Glo Mobile has been awarded Ghana’s sixth mobile operating license after they emerged tops of the ‘highly competitive’ bidding process largely for its technical presentation, extensive roll-out plan and pedigree.
According to the operator, it was informed in a letter of the decision by the Ghanaian telecoms regulator the National Communications Authority (NCA) that its local unit GloMobile Ghana had been declared the winner of the GSM license. Other players thought to have been involved in the ‘beauty contest’ for the sixth license included Global Trade Imex, TechnoEdge Ghana, Teylium Telecom International, TransAtlantic Industries and Warid Telecom International. This news comes as surprise to many analysts in the communication industry. Since the addition of another operator to the current existing ones would not bring about any improvement in the system.
They believe that the regulator which is the National Communication Authority (NCA) have not ensured first of all, a level playing field for all operators and secondly have allowed consumers to suffer at the hands of these operators without any in punitive measures. With the coming in of Glo Mobile Ghana into the Ghanaian GSM market, analysts are worried about how the regulator would be able to control all the six operators to ensure a healthful competitive environment where telecom operators and their million consumers would enjoy the fruits of a liberalize and innovative industry.
However, Glo Mobile's management expressed gratitude to the NCA for the confidence reposed in the company and promised to "roll out aggressively" in the country "very shortly".
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